
The Newspaper About God

Javik handed me this paper he got at Sunday School a few weeks ago...
he said, "Here Mommy, don't forget to read your newspaper... it's about God!"
Wow buddy, thanks!
Then he points to the older gentleman on the paper... "That's my daddy! He's my preacher of the bible."
My heart = melted!
He then points to the pianist pictured... "And that's Katie. She plays the piano at my church!"

He's so excited about everything he learns at Sunday School.
He LOVES his teachers, Mr. Mark & Ms. Dawn!
I pray that his excitement for the things of God never goes away! I hope that years from now he's just as excited to get up and go to church on Sunday mornings as he is right now.


Chilly Chili

My husband claims that a blog shouldn't be m i l e - l o n g posts every once in a while, but rather should be snippits of life on a more frequent basis... he apparently fancies himself the blogging expert! LOL
However, after thinking on his "advice" I've decided that this year my goal is to write more often about the things that seem less significant... (I know... I'm getting a late start!)
So this morning when Javik & I were leaving the house at 6:30 a.m., (before Mr. Sun had even woken up) I said to him, "Man, its chilly out here."
Javik's response: "Chili?! That's a food that we eat!" and as he looks around the yard "I don't see any chili out here!"
I couldn't help but L.O.L.! I said to him, "Actually, chilly has two meanings... it IS a food that we eat, but it also means a little bit cold." He stared at me as if I had just made up the craziest thing he'd ever heard (similar to the look I get from 8th graders on a daily basis).
So the entire ride to town I could hear him in the backseat trying to convince himself : "it is a food that we eat AND a little bit cold..."
So funny! I couldn't even begin to tell you where I was the day I learned the difference between chilly & chili... it's just something that I know. But I'm pretty sure I'll never forget the day Javik learned the difference!

And I couldn't bring myself to inform that Chile is also a country in South America... that seemed like too much for his little boy brain to handle so early in the morning!!