
look what we've become!

Wow. It's a good thing I'm not involved in some kind of "Frequent Blogger" competition!
Because I would FAIL.

Princess Zailey Belle has arrived. She made her grand entrance on December 19 and WHEW! If we thought we were ready for her, little did we know the Diva who would be moving in. haha At just 3 months old I can already tell she has quite the personality. She knows what she wants, and isn't timid about letting others know too. She adores her big brother, and when she grins that big ol' grin, every heart in our household absolutely melts!
Speaking of big brother... I know my heart changed forever the day I became a mom. But I now know that it was forever changed again when my first baby looked at my newest baby and his first words were "I think she's the beautiful baby sister in the whole world!" Aaah! Jav takes all of his passion & excitement for life and puts it right into his new role as big brother. He's an all-in kind of kid. And I love everything about that!
I just took him to register for Kindergarten... yes, Kindergarten! I have no idea where the time has gone... How is it possible that my baby boy will soon be FIVE and be going to school?! But he's so ready! He's so excited, and absolutely certain that he is going to rock elementary school.
I kind of agree with him. ;)
As for the parents of these fabulous children... Cole and I are planning a big vacation this summer to celebrate our TENTH wedding anniversary! Sometimes I look over at that boy that I fell in love with 15 years ago and I am pert-near speechless that those two kids have become these two grown-ups... I mean, two in-love teenagers have become a family of FOUR! We're still side-by-side, loving each other, loving Jesus, and now loving these two people God has given us to raise up.
We often say to one another, "We're not raising kids... we're training disciples." Oh, how I pray that's true. I love this family that we're becoming... and I love to watch my husband, the love of my life, be the daddy of my babies!
They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Much like his boy, my hubby is also an all-in kind of guy! He has SO much passion! And it transcends everything he does. Including fatherhood. You know that heart melting thing I mentioned before.... yep, it's back when I watch Cole with Jav & Z. So precious!
So... we're good. We're busy, we're crazy sometimes, the house is usually a mess and we're washing laundry as we wear it... but we're good! God has blessed us beyond anything we ever could have hoped for or imagined!
So just like Him!