
The Council of Men

When Javik was born I knew he was special.  Not just because he was mine, I mean obviously that too, but just because I knew.  He was an old soul from the start. He was bright eyed at birth, taking it all in.  Looking and listening and learning. And he's been that way ever since.   

   Since Javik was born, Cole & I have dreamed about the man that we wanted him to become.  We've prayed every day of his life that he would be the "greatest man of God of his entire generation."  And we still do.  Ultimately this child belongs to the Lord.  We have dedicated him back to God, that his life would be one that glorifies our Father in Heaven.
   We know that, as his parents, we have a great responsibility to raise him up in the ways of the Lord, to raise him up in the way he should go, so that when he is older he will not depart from it.
   But we also know that we cannot do that alone.  I believe it truly takes a village to raise a child.  And in the last 13 years of raising this boy the Lord has been tremendously generous to us in the village that He has surrounded us with. 
   I believe that so many cultures around the world do this so well.  They live in literal villages.  They are born and raised among multiple generations, and when it's time for them to enter adulthood they know what that entails.  In American culture, we're missing this.  So many parents have singularly taken the load of raising their humans, and we end up with 25 year olds who haven't yet decided what they want to do when they "grow up."  Um... I think you're there.
So during our toddler raising years we began to dream of a "rite of passage" for our boy.  I read somewhere about a man who did this for his son, spent some time with him when he turned 13 and introduced him to manhood. I wanted this for Javik. As he entered his teen years, hurtling toward manhood, he would know that he's loved and treasured, and he would hear from important men in his life what it means to be a courageous man of God. 
THIRTEEN seemed a lifetime away.

And then... *blink*... here we are.  Javik turned 13 on June 27, 2020. Amidst a global pandemic and following three months of shut-down & staying at home, we ushered in our teen years!  And it was time to see this rite of passage dream become a reality:   

The Council of Men

   This group is Javik's Council of Men.  During his life there have been so many, too many to count, who have poured into him.  Loved him.  Instructed & corrected him.  Pointed him toward Jesus.  Church family, blood family, school teachers, coaches... the list is overwhelming.  
But we didn't want this council to last for days....
   So we chose 6.  Six men who love Jesus and love Javik.  Six men who have watched him grow up, some for all 13 years and some for just the last couple, who would walk with him and talk with him, and who will continue to be there for him as he becomes a man. 
   We invited them to be part of this council.  To meet at our park and walk a part of the path with Javik, sharing with him some words of wisdom, meaningful scripture, some "what not to do's" or just lessons they wish someone would have shared with them when they were 13.  We trusted that the Lord would lead them to share exactly what Javik needed to hear.  

Cole invited Javik to go for a walk. He shared with him how turning 13 is the beginning of a "walk" through your teen years, and the walk ends at manhood. Along the path there will be many choices, many obstacles, and many steps to take.  But that Javik won't be alone.  Not only will his dad (& mom) be there for him, but that the Lord has put others in his life to help guide him along the way.  
   First along that path, Grandpa.  The 2nd man who entered Javik's life 13 years ago, the 2nd man who ever held him.  Who assured me that he was more qualified to share with Javik what not to do than anything else. I doubt that. 💙   My dad is loyal and honest, hard-working and funny as all get out. The only thing better than me having this man for a dad is that my kids get to have him as their Grandpa. 

   Next Javik walked with Ben.  Ben has been part of Javik's life for less time than any of these other men, yet in such a profoundly important way!  Ben is Javik's small-group leader.  Every Wednesday night Ben gives up his evening to hang out with a bunch of middle school boys, he shares with them truths from God's Word and he listens to their hearts (and probably other things...). 

   After that, Javik walked with Aaron.  Aaron has been Cole's best friend since Javik was 2 years old. He's seen Jav grow up.  Aaron is fiercely loyal, he loves the Lord and is the most disciplined man I know. And whether it's something he's learned from his bible study, some carpentry skill, or a piece of financial advice, he's at-the-ready with a lesson to teach. 
   Next, a walk with Zandy. Zandy has known Javik since he was a little boy, but in the fall of 2017, Zandy became Javik's 2nd dad. When their family moved to Moberly and moved in with us for a while, Zandy & Jenn literally parented Javik with us. Not only that, but Zandy is also Javik's youth minister. Weekly he spends time investing in Javik & other teenagers, teaching them the Word and how to live for Jesus. 
   Then Javik walked with Mike. I could say 1,000,000 words about the influence of Mike Power in Javik's life, and none of them would be adequate. On the surface, he was Javik's 5th grade teacher, he's one of Cole's best friends, he works closely with us in ministry... But Mike is so much more than those things.  He's not only Cole's friend, but he's truly one of Javik's best friends.  He is a man that exudes faithfulness and loyalty, he loves the Lord, and I can say without one ounce of doubt that he loves Javik like his very own. 

   And then Javik walked with his dad. 💗
When I met Cole at age 15 I was smitten with his handsome good looks and witty sense of humor & charm... and I didn't even know yet what a gift from the Lord it would be to have him as the father of my children. Cole lives life fully.  He does every single thing at 1000% including parenting.  He always brings the fun and the funny, and still he never shies away from the hard conversation, the life lesson, the biblical truth.  
   I'm sure that Javik is just beginning to know what a treasure he's been given in having Cole as his dad. 

   These men are such a gift to us! I am so honored that they gave their afternoon, they stood and waited in the summer heat, and they shared their hearts with my boy.  Only Javik knows what each of these men shared with him.  My prayer is that their words would build a foundation for him of what it means to be a man who loves the Lord and leads well.  
   THIRTEEN.  Five more years under our roof.  The beginning of his journey to being a man.  I can think of no greater council of men to walk along side him, showing him the way. 

   Lord, we give you this child. We are honored to be his parents, raising him up in your truth and your love.  Use his life to bring glory to Your name.  Use him to do a mighty work for Your Kingdom.  Let him know, in a way that only Javik could understand, just how much he is loved.  Grow in him a desire to know You more and follow You more closely. And may Javik Nolan Hodson be the greatest man of God of his entire generation. 

1 comment:

  1. And I can only say it blesses me to know this set of Godly parents, and i can only imagine what plan God has put in place for Javik. Guide him, Lord. Hold him fast. Thank you!
